Jun 27, 2023
Drew Jackson is a poet, speaker, and public theologian. He is author of God Speaks Through Wombs: Poems on God’s Unexpected Coming and Touch the Earth: Poems on The Way. His work has appeared in Oneing, Made for Pax, The Journal from the Centre for Public Christianity, Fathom Magazine, and other publications.
Jun 20, 2023
Scott and Troy discuss giving ourselves mental post it notes as reminders of who we are, and how to face our daily lives. They each share a couple that are helpful as they navigate their daily lives and it's inherent challenges.
Jun 13, 2023
Michelle is passionate to see disciples be transformed as they transform the world. She serves as Executive Minister of Make and Deepen Disciples for the Evangelical Covenant Church. She has also served on the advisory board of the Institute for Bible reading, ministered to international students with Cru in New York...
Jun 7, 2023
Scott and Troy talk about the prevelant, or prevailing soundtrack that fills our minds. Often they are the ones that can derail us. We discuss if they are true, or fasle and some stratagies to face them. We discuss the need to practice, or have disciplines to help counter the lies that can be our soundtracks. These can...