Aug 17, 2021
Finding our true worth. Because the world rewards what we do, or produce we often tie our value, our worth in the same way. We think if we produce more, or we do more, make more money our value will increase. The truth is we have infinite value, and it's not connected to what we do or produce, it's because of whose we...
Dec 15, 2020
Scott Perkins is a discipleship coach, author speaker, and the co-host of This Undivided Life. His passion is to help others understand their identity in Christ and discover their next step on the way of the disciple. In order to do this he utilizes questions that enable the person being coached to develop a next step...
Nov 7, 2020
Troy and Scott talk about our own humanness and how vulnerability, shows our true humanity. They also discuss how sharing with others helps us face our own humanity and how community and sharing our stories helps us live more fulfilled lives.