Jul 18, 2023
W. LEE WARREN, M.D. is a brain surgeon, inventor, Iraq War veteran, and author of I've Seen the End of You: A Neurosurgeon's Look at Faith, Doubt, and the Things We Think We Know. His last book, No Place to Hide, was named to the 2015 U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff's Recommended Reading List. Dr. Warren has...
Jul 11, 2023
Karen Wright Marsh is an author, speaker and the executive director and cofounder of Theological Horizons, a ministry that supports Christians & seekers in academia by providing a welcoming community for engaging faith, thought & life. She is the host of the Vintage Saints and Sinners podcast. She holds degrees...
Jul 4, 2023
John is a pastor (at Marda Loop Church), teacher and writer who lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His passion is to know God more (and to read everything he’s written). For the past 20 years he's been exploring a worldview that seeks to discern God's voice in all things: the Bible and creation (i.e. the arts, sport,...